Compass vs Mongo vs. course terminology

It seems that in the course, the informal term ‘dataset’ is used to mean the same as mongo ‘database’, but maybe it means ‘collection’. E.g. ‘the 100 year weather dataset’ is a database, but later, this dataset means the ‘data’ collection on that database. it also seems that the names of datatypes in compass and mongo are not always the same. For example, it seems that ‘document’ is a datatype in compass, corrresponding to ‘object’ in mongo, and that there is a datatype in compass called ‘number’, that can’t be found at all in mongo, as far as I can see. I wonder why these differences exist, and whether they make it difficult for others, too.

I think it may be confusing for some of us coming from SQL because to me a table is what I think about when I think of collections, and documents is what I would think of for rows. So it has taken me a minute to start thinking in terms of Mongo lingo.

The important thing to realize is much of the time in many programming languages, naming conventions can and will differ and there might be many ways to do the same thing. Similarly there are terms in MongoDB that mean the same and are often used interchangeably.

So I would say, try to not get caught up in the naming convention and try to focus on what “concept” is being taught and a way you can apply it to your current or future work! :smile: