Clone Realm App

Is there a guide to clone an existing Realm app in the web admin console but on a different Atlas cluster so that one app is for development and the other for production ?

Hi Mauro,

You can use our realm-cli tool to export and import a Realm app across projects.
Keep in mind this doesn’t bring across the users that have accrued in the app you’re exporting.


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Thanks Manny.

Exporting an app is straight forward with the cli, however, importing is encountering a hurdle;

push failed: error comparing new service with existing: json: error calling MarshalJSON for type *importexport.ServiceConfig: service type not found: ‘new-service-name’

After exporting an app, I modify the service directory name of the app-name/data_sources/service-name directory to match the service name in the new atlas cluster.

Clearly I’m doing it wrong. What’s the recommended way of importing an app to a different cluster + service name ?