Change Stream Resumption Causes High CPU, Memory Spikes, and Full Collection Oplog Scan

I am using MongoDB change streams for real-time synchronization to another database. To ensure continuity after a pause, I utilize the resumeToken to resume the stream from where it was paused. However, I am encountering significant issues during the resumption process:

  1. Cluster CPU and Memory Spikes: Upon resuming the change stream, there is a large spike in the CPU and memory usage of my MongoDB cluster.
  2. Full Collection Oplog Scan: MongoDB appears to scan the entire oplog during the resume operation, even when the resumeToken is used. This results in significant performance degradation.

Attached is a screenshot from the MongoDB Atlas Profiler showing that 32.3 million documents were scanned in a single operation with only 2 documents returned, indicating an inefficient operation.

Attached is the profiler screenshot showing the inefficiency in the operation:

  • Docs Examined: 32.3M
  • Docs Returned: 2
  • Execution Time: 3.09 min


  1. Why does MongoDB scan the entire oplog collection when resuming the stream using a valid resumeToken?
  2. Can change streams be configured to resume in a chunk-wise or incremental manner to avoid full oplog scans?