Can't connect mongodb cloud atlas with compass

hi im trying to connect the atlas- cloud with mongodb compass i past my uri with password then click connect it stay loading after hours!

Is your cluster up?
What is the Compass version and your OS?
Are you able to connect to localhost by Compass?
Can you connect by shell to your DB?
Did you try restart of Compass
Are you using SRV or a different connect string

  • os : windows 10
  • compass version : latest 1.28.4
  • shell + compass localhost work perfectly (i did not try to use shell with the cloud)
  • yes i have tried to restart compass + my pc
  • mongodb+srv://

Have you whitelisted your IP or allow access from anywhere
Is latest Compass stable or community version?
Please try from shell to your cloud cluster and provide the result
What does the status show in Atlas
Did you try from another location or network

I fix this by changing the version of Compass to 1.11 or earlier
the same problem happens on app connecting so I fix it by changing nodejs to 2.2.12 or earlier
it works fine now thanks