Can't call dependencies

I am not able to execute this logic:

      const Realm = require("realm");
      const appConfig = {
          id: "my-app-id",
          timeout: 1000,
          app: {
              name: "my-app-name",
              version: "1"
      let app = new Realm.App(appConfig);
      let client = app.auth.emailPassword;

I get this error:


What is wrong?

Looks like you forgot npm install realm in your project, no?

Hi @DValdir ,

The screenshot is incomplete, but it looks like you were trying to use the Realm SDK from inside a Realm function, and that screenshot is the result from the function console, is that the case?

If it is, then you’re doing it wrong: the Realm SDKs are supposed to be used from the clients, not on the backend. What are you trying to do?


I am working on a small system, where the users should be created by an Admin.
So I was trying to use the functions to do that.
Looking in the forum, I found out that it would be better to call the Admin API from the functions.
It just worked, with the following logic.
I just forgot to update here.

exports = async function(arg){
  var isAdmin = context.user.custom_data.profile== 'admin' ? true : false;
  if (!isAdmin) {
    return {
      "message" : "You have no permission to access this data!",
      "data" : []
  } else {
    // Get Atlas Parameters and application id
    const AtlasPrivateKey = context.values.get("AtlasPrivateKey");
    const AtlasPublicKey = context.values.get("AtlasPublicKey");
    const AtlasGroupId = context.values.get("AtlasGroupId");
    const AppId = context.values.get("AppId");
    // Authenticate to Realm API
    const respone_cloud_auth = await{
      url : "",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type" : ["application/json"],
        "Accept" : ["application/json"]
        body: {"username": AtlasPublicKey, "apiKey": AtlasPrivateKey},
        encodeBodyAsJSON: true
    const cloud_auth_body = JSON.parse(respone_cloud_auth.body.text());
    // Get all realm users 
    const response_create_user = await{
      url: `${AtlasGroupId}/apps/${AppId}/users`,
      headers: {
        "Content-Type" : ["application/json"],
        "Accept" : ["application/json"],
        "Authorization": ["Bearer " + cloud_auth_body.access_token]
      body: {
        "email": arg.userEmail,
        "password": arg.password
      encodeBodyAsJSON: true
    const response = JSON.parse(response_create_user.body.text());
    if (response_create_user.statusCode === 201) {
      const createdUser = {
        _id: response._id,
        creationDate: new Date(response.creation_date * 1000), // I had a hard time on this part, double value to date
        username: arg.username,
        userEmail: arg.userEmail,
        surname: arg.surname,
        status: "confirmed",
        churchId: arg.churchId,
        parentId: arg.parentId,
        imgUser: ( === 'male') ? context.values.get("ImgMale") : context.values.get("ImgFemale"),
        imgBanner: ( === 'male') ? context.values.get("BannerMale") : context.values.get("BannerFemale"),
        userQutoe: "This is a user quote.",
        active: true,
        profile: arg.profile
      var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("system").collection("users");
      var doc = collection.insertOne(createdUser);
      return {
        "message" : "sucess!",
        "data" : doc,
        "response": response_create_user

After the user creation, it also fills it’s CustomData, with the rest of the payload received and with the newly assigned ID and Creation_Date (I wonder if there is a better way to save the creation date to the users’ collection).

Since this is working, maybe I could just get some insight to improve the logic?

PS.: Since I achieved what I wanted, I tried to remove this post, but couldn’t. So I’m updating it, to maybe help someone.

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