Can I suppress the initial setup screen for MongoDB Compass?

I have a requirement where I cannot suppress the installation of MongoDB Compass (, but I have to suppress the initial setup screen popped up.

I am using WiX Bundle and I have the DisplayInternalUI=“no” so main mongodb installation UI is suppressed. However the MongoDB Compass is not.

Is it possible to suppress the initial setup screen of MongoDB Compass?


This is what I use below:

<MsiPackage SourceFile="..\..\Payload\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-4.0.12-signed.msi" Id="MongoDB_4.0.12" Cache="yes" Visible="yes" DisplayInternalUI="no" 
    DisplayName="MongoDB 4.0.0 Document Database" Compressed="yes" Permanent="yes"
    InstallCondition="NOT Mongo_4_0_12_Installed">

    <!--Use this MsiProperty to pass variables created with the <Variable> element to the MSI package.-->
    <MsiProperty Name="INSTALLLOCATION" Value="[MongoDbInstallPathBurnVariable]" />
    <MsiProperty Name="TARGETDIR" Value="[MongoDbInstallPathBurnVariable]" />
    <MsiProperty Name="INSTALLFOLDER" Value="[MongoDbInstallPathBurnVariable]" />
    <MsiProperty Name="ADDLOCAL" Value="Server,ServerNoService,Client,Router,MonitoringTools,ImportExportTools,MiscellaneousTools"/>

Thanks for the reply.

I see 4 MsiProperties and first 3 (INSTALLLOCATION/TARGETDIR/INSTALLFODER) seems to be installation destination related properties, so I tried just ADDLOCAL property.

While that did suppress the MongoDB Compass, it also seems to not install Compass. Which unfortunately is not what I desire. (If I just wanted to suppress Compass installation all together, I would use SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS=“0”)

What if you used ADDLOCAL=“all”?

Now compass gets installed but with initialization launched. So back to original without ADDLOCAL assigned :frowning:

I decided to download separate mongodb-compass-community-1.20.5-win32-x64.msi and install it as another entry and adopt SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS=“0” flag.
This way the initialization does not get launched.

Thank you very much for you advices.

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