[BUG] null values do no pass validation

Synced unset Keys from device yield null in database. And null fails validation if you attempt to edit this object later using cloud functions.

  someKey: {
   "bsonType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "url": {
          "bsonType": "string"
      "required": [],
      "title": "FileObject"

iOS client code

class FileObject: RealmObject {
   var url: String?
let file = FileObject()
file.url = nil // maybe I am editing an existing file and removing the url
someObject = file

in database (after SYNC from iOS Client)

  someKey: {
     url: null 

Then if I attempt to edit this object in cloud-function or if I run schema validation in Atlas, I get an error “InvalidTypeError” on url, because it suppose to not exist, but it is null which is not a string.

So JSON validation should accept null and consider the field non existent for primitive types

Found the solution in AppSetting, Null type check can be disabled

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