Best practice authentication concept

Hi there,

I’m currently using a synced Realm via MongoDB Atlas in my (swift) app as a database and would like to use AWS S3 (via amplify?) to store data. However I’m trying to wrap my head around how to best setup the user authentication for S3.

At the moment I just use the e-mail & password authentication from MongoDB Atlas to log into the database.

Is the best way to use AWS Cognito and then login via a JWT authentication to MongoDB Atlas or is there a better way? I’m quite new to programming so I’m unfortunately not aware of a good concept here :sweat_smile:

Any hints on how to do it or which concepts can be used would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

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Is the best way to use AWS Cognito and then login via a JWT authentication to MongoDB Atlas or is there a better way?

Yup - this would be the recommended way to authenticate to Realm if you’re using Cognito.

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