Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version xxx

Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version xxx

I get this print in my console log a lot. What does it mean?

Hi, this is just a normal log message that is printed when a change of subscription (query) is made by the client (or if it is connecting for the first time). FLX stands for “flexible sync” and the query version is an incrementing counter for the number of times your subscription has changed.

You can update the log level if you would prefer not to see these, but during development it might be more helpful than not to see logs at the default level.

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@Tyler_Kaye do you know how I can terminate these tasks, especially if I run them on the @MainActor? I understand it will lead to partial queries being executed but I wonder if it’s possible/recommended.

I am not quite sure why you would want to terminate them. They are being run in the background and are only happening when you are making changes to your query. I believe there is no way to terminate them, but you also should see no effects of this happening. Is there a reason you are looking to do this?

I’ll give you a scenario:

  1. I update realm’s Subscriptions whenever you open a profile on my app.
  2. The function runs on the @MainActor (as per Mongo documentation - " If your app accesses Realm in an async/await context, mark the code with @MainActor to avoid threading-related crashes.")
  3. Let’s say I close that profile and open another profile, but the previous subscription update hasn’t finished.
  4. Since these update functions run on the same thread, I’ll have to wait for the previous function to finish before my new function will run.

In that case, I may want to terminate the leftover work from the previous subscription update, or at least de-prioritize it.
Does that make sense?

Got it. Thank you for providing that detail. Unfortunately, there is no way to do this currently, but I have forwarded along a link to this post to the team and they have added it to their list of feature requests.


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