Backlink query not working on type array


I would like to create a subscription by filtering my object by the user id using a backlink query but i get the following error :

{“code”: 1016, “isOk”: false, “reason”: “Invalid query: embedded field found in query. embedded fields can not be queryable: "@links.User.pets._id"”}

my subscription is :

 useEffect(() => {
     const createSubscription = async () => {
      await realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs) => {
          .objects("Pet").filtered('ANY @links.User.pets._id = $0',props.user._id),
        { name: "PetSubscription" }
  }, []);

My User Object :

export class User extends Realm.Object {
  static schema = {
    name: "User",
    properties: {
      _id: "objectId" ,
      name:  "string?",
      firstName:  "string?",
      lastName:  "string?",
      picture:  "string?",
      email:  "string?",
    primaryKey: "_id",


My Pet Object

export class Pet extends Realm.Object {
  static schema = {
    name: "Pet",
    properties: {
      _id: { type: "objectId", default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
      name: { type: "string", default: () => "Wafme" },
      age: { type: "int", default: () => 0 },
      sex: { type: "bool", default: () => true },
      size: { type: "int", default: () => 0 },
      picture: {type:"object", objectType: "Picture"},
      coordinate: "Coordinate?",
    primaryKey: "_id",


The error talks about embedded object while i dont have any embedded object.

I would like to have all the Pets owned by the user id
how should i update the following query to make it work?

filtered(‘ANY @links.User.pets._id = $0’,props.user._id)

Best regards