Atlas search don't return response

I’m running a free cluster, M0 Sandbox. I create a search index and get the search response first time. but after that I don’t get response. what could be the causes?

Hi @Nazmus_Sakib ! Can you share your index definition in JSON and the query you are running?

Index definition:

  "mappings": {
    "dynamic": false,
    "fields": {
      "hotelName": {
        "maxGrams": 7,
        "minGrams": 3,
        "type": "autocomplete"

Query (Copied from atlas search tester on web):

    $search: {
      index: 'hotel-search',
      text: {
        query: 'Hot',
        path: {
          'wildcard': '*'

And my collection:

      "hotelName":"Hotel Spa Elia"

Can you try the following search query to see if you get any documents?:

    $search: {
      index: 'hotel-search',
      autocomplete: {
        query: 'Hot',
        path: 'hotelName'

Changes made:

  • text operator to autcomplete operator
  • path value from {'wildcard' : '*'} to 'hotelName'

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