Able to use Debezium connector with atlas free tier?

Able to use Debezium connector with atlas free tier?

When I tried to use Debezium connector capture data from atlas but I got error as:

connect | [2021-11-19 06:50:25,594] ERROR Error while attempting to read from oplog on ‘atlas-XXXX-shard-0/,,’:

Query failed with error code 8000 and error message ‘noTimeout cursors are disallowed in this atlas tier’ on server (io.debezium.connector.mongodb.MongoDbStreamingChangeEventSource)

connect | com.mongodb.MongoQueryException: Query failed with error code 8000 and error message ‘noTimeout cursors are disallowed in this atlas tier’ on server

The shared tiers, share an oplog so due to secure concerns you can’t access them. That said, use the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka as it uses Change Stream and not the OpLog.

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