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Atlas as a Service

>> Announcement: Some features mentioned below will be deprecated on Sep. 30, 2025. Learn more . Many of our customers provide MongoDB as a service to their development teams, where developers can request a MongoDB database instance and receive a connection string and credentials in minutes. As those customers move to MongoDB Atlas , they are similarly interested in providing the same level of timely service to their developers. Atlas has a very powerful control plane for provisioning clusters. In large organizations that have thousands of developers, however, it is not always practical to give so many people direct access to that interface. The goal of this article is to show how the Atlas APIs can be used to provide MongoDB as a service when MongoDB is managed by Atlas. Specifically, we’ll demonstrate how an interface could be created that offers developers a set of choices for a MongoDB database instance. For simplicity, this represents how to provide developers with a list of memory and storage options to configure their cluster. Other options like cloud provider and region are abstracted away. We also demonstrate how to add labels to the Atlas clusters, which is a feature that the Atlas UI doesn’t support. For example, we’ve added a label for cluster description. Architecture Although the Atlas APIs could be called directly from the client interface, we elected to use a 3 tier architecture, the benefits being: We can control the extent of functionality to what is needed. We can simplify the APIs exposed to the front-end developers. We can more granulary secure the API endpoints. We could take advantage of other backend features such as Triggers , Twilio integration, etc. Naturally, we selected Realm to host the middle tier. Implementation Backend Atlas API The Atlas APIs are wrapped in a set of Realm Functions . For the most part, they all call the Atlas API as follows (this is getOneCluster): /* * Gets information about the requested cluster. If clusterName is empty, all clusters will be fetched. * See https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/reference/api/clusters-get-one * */ exports = async function(username, password, projectID, clusterName) { const arg = { scheme: 'https', host: 'cloud.mongodb.com', path: 'api/atlas/v1.0/groups/' + projectID +'/clusters/' + clusterName, username: username, password: password, headers: {'Content-Type': ['application/json'], 'Accept-Encoding': ['bzip, deflate']}, digestAuth:true }; // The response body is a BSON.Binary object. Parse it and return. response = await context.http.get(arg); return EJSON.parse(response.body.text()); }; You can see each function’s source on GitHub . MiniAtlas API The next step was to expose the functions as endpoints that a frontend could use. Alternatively, we could have called the functions using the Realm Web SDK , but we elected to stick with the more familiar REST protocol for our frontend developers. Using Realm Third-Party Services , we developed the following 6 endpoints: table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } API Method Type Endpoint Get Clusters GET /getClusters Create a Cluster POST /getClusters Get Cluster State GET /getClusterState?clusterName:cn Modify a Cluster PATCH /modifyCluster Pause or Resume Cluster POST /pauseCluster Delete a Cluster DELETE /deleteCluster?clusterName:cn Here’s the source for getClusters. Note is pulls the username and password from the Values & Secrets : /* * GET getClusters * * Query Parameters * * None * * Response - Currently all values documented at https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/reference/api/clusters-get-all/ * */ exports = async function(payload, response) { var results = []; const username = context.values.get("username"); const password = context.values.get("apiKey"); projectID = context.values.get("projectID"); // Sending an empty clusterName will return all clusters. var clusterName = ''; response = await context.functions.execute("getOneCluster", username, password, projectID, clusterName); results = response.results; return results; }; You can see each webhook’s source on GitHub . When the webhook is saved, a Webhook URL is generated, which is the endpoint for the API: API Endpoint Security Only authenticated users can execute the API endpoints. The caller must include an Authorization header containing a valid user id, which the endpoint passes through this script function: exports = function(payload) { const headers = context.request.requestHeaders const { Authorization } = headers const user_id = Authorization.toString().replace(/^Bearer/, '') return user_id }; MongoDB Realm includes several built-in authentication providers including anonymous users, email/password combinations, API keys , and OAuth 2.0 through Facebook , Google , and Apple ID . For this exercise, we elected to use Google OAuth , primarily because it’s already integrated with our SSO provider here at MongoDB. The choice of provider isn’t important. Whatever provider or providers are enabled will generate an associated user id that can be used to authenticate access to the APIs. Frontend The frontend is implemented in JQuery and hosted on Realm . Authentication The client uses the MongoDB Stitch Browser SDK to prompt the user to log into Google (if not already logged in) and sets the users Google credentials in the StitchAppClient . let credential = new stitch.GoogleRedirectCredential(); client.auth.loginWithRedirect(credential); Then, the user Id required to be sent in the API call to the backend can be retrieved from the StitchAppClient as follows: let userId = client.auth.authInfo.userId; And set in the header when calling the API. Here’s an example calling the createCluster API: export const createCluster = (uid, data) => { let url = `${baseURL}/createCluster` const params = { method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", ...(uid && { Authorization: uid }) }, ...(data && { body: JSON.stringify(data) }) } return fetch(url, params) .then(handleErrors) .then(response => response.json()) .catch(error => console.log(error) ); }; You can see all the api calls in webhooks.js . Tips We had great success using Postman Team Workspaces to share and validate the backend APIs. Conclusions This prototype was created to demonstrate what’s possible, which by now you hopefully realize is anything! The guts of the solution are here - how you wish to extend it is up to you. Learn more about the MongoDB Atlas APIs .

March 2, 2021

Xtify: Powered by MongoDB

Engaging audiences on mobile is a key strategy for advertisers in the age of apps. Xtify helps brand can easily engage with customers through hyper-local targeting on smartphones, and they do it all with MongoDB. What is Xtify Xtify is a mobile engagement platform focused on helping our customers reach their users with highly contextualized messages when and where they will be most effective. Create rich individualized promotions through our web console and REST APIs and specify their delivery profiles using custom geofences, application usage paramaters, and user tags. Our cutting edge complex event engine makes sure the right users get the right messages at the right time. You can also review promotion progress in real time with our analytics tool to increase message effectiveness and reach. Can you tell me a little bit about your technology stack? Here at Xtify we’ve implemented a highly distributed and scalable service oriented architecture on top of ActiveMQ, MongoDB, MySQL, and Enterprise Java. How do you use MongoDB for your location data store? One of the reasons we love MongoDB is for its geo-indexes. As location enabled devices send updates back to our system we dump their latitude and longitude to our location datastore which allows us to dynamically track user movement through time and space. MongoDB’s speed and scalability allows us to store and index well over 25,000 of these updates a minute. What were the driving factors in deciding to use MongoDB? Several persistence use cases in our system aligned well with MongoDB’s schemaless document based structure, including our location and user entities. We also liked the potential for scale we could get with mongos, which we have found to be intuitive and easy to manage. What recommendations would you make to companies deciding to use MongoDB for mobile solutions? As with any solution, the ability to quickly ramp up the performance of a database at a moment’s notice is critical to keeping your customers happy. By pre-sharding key collections, even if you only need one shard initially, you get horizontal scale and stable read/write latencies when you need it most. What are your future plans? Anything exciting happening on the horizon? We have several exciting things in the pipeline including updates to our configuration API, and the addition of an arbitrary event based API. Of course the coolest new products are still top secret so you’ll have to find out with everyone else! Tagged with: mobile, geolocation, applications, apis, api, solutions, software, MongoDB, Mongo, NoSQL, Polyglot persistence, 10gen

July 11, 2012