Seth Payne

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Make Data-driven Decisions using MongoDB and Looker

Today we are announcing a partnership and integration with Looker , a leader in modern, user-friendly business intelligence solutions. Like most BI tools , Looker works well with relational data, so the integration with MongoDB is made possible through the MongoDB Connector for Business Intelligence . Using a simple, yet highly functional and powerful interface, Looker can ingest data from a number of different data sources empowering business users to create and manage reports and dashboards and make data-driven decisions. Now that MongoDB data can be queried by Looker directly, this removes the need to perform any ETL operations on MongoDB data. Adding MongoDB as a data source is simple and can be accomplished through Looker’s admin interface for connections. The simplest way to get data into Looker is to use MongoDB Atlas , our DBaaS offering. Alternatively, customers can also connect to on-premises of self-managed instances. Due to MongoDB’s distributed architecture, you can connect to a dedicated secondary replica assigned to analytics and report away without impacting operational workloads running against other nodes in the cluster. By combining the flexibility of MongoDB, along with Looker’s simple, intuitive, yet powerful interface, business users can quickly and easily gain insights from their MongoDB data. Users can create and manage dashboards, schedule reports, and even share these with colleagues. With Looker and MongoDB, business users can better understand data, identify trends, and make timely decisions based on solid analysis. To learn more about MongoDB’s integration with Looker, please stop by our booth at Looker JOIN 2018 this week in San Francisco. There you will see hands-on demonstrations of the integration and examples of reports and dashboards that can be created using MongoDB and Looker together. What’s next Get started now with MongoDB Atlas Find out how to simplify your data pipelines with fully managed Connector for BI on MongoDB Atlas Learn more about the MongoDB Connector for BI in our documentation Read additional blogs about MongoDB Connector for BI

October 8, 2018

Using Power BI to Gain Insight Into your MongoDB Data

We are happy to announce updates to the MongoDB Connector for Business Intelligence for use with Microsoft’s Power BI Desktop. Now, it is simpler than ever for Power BI users to access data stored in MongoDB and use Power BI’s powerful analytical and visualization tools to gain insights into the data, and then effectively share these insights with colleagues. Within just a few minutes, you can expose MongoDB data directly to Power BI to begin creating meaningful charts, dashboards, and reports. MongoDB as a Data Platform for Business Intelligence As both MongoDB’s popularity and adoption continue to rapidly grow, organizations are choosing MongoDB as the data platform that supports a variety of applications where tabular, or relational, database systems had been used historically. MongoDB’s document data model presents the best way to work with data for business critical applications, while distributed systems design allows users to intelligently put data where they want it, and enable the freedom to run anywhere - on premise or in the cloud. But data platform environments are rarely, if ever, homogenous. And, given both the longevity and large install base of enterprise RDBMS, it is common for MongoDB to be part of a larger ecosystem that includes a variety of data sources, many of which are tabular in nature. Because of the need to manage data from multiple systems, administrators are looking for ways to expose all their data to their non-technical business users in a consistent and friendly way, no matter where that data is physically stored. The MongoDB BI Connector enables Power BI users to easily query, analyze and visualize data stored in MongoDB in the same manner as with other Power BI data sources. No knowledge of MongoDB or the MongoDB Query Language (MQL) required! Get access to our Power BI Rapid Start → Exposing MongoDB Data To Power BI Desktop One of the benefits of using MongoDB as a platform for BI, is that it eliminates the need for complex ETL operations. BI data workloads can be isolated; separating operational workloads from analytics on separate replica nodes, all operating as a part of the same cluster. The data can also be exposed directly to end users without the need to modify and transfer data before it becomes available to analysts. Power BI can import MongoDB data through a direct connection to the MongoDB BI Connector or, via ODBC. Once a data connection has been defined, simply select the data you want to work with and import it. After the import is complete, you can begin working with the data in Power BI Desktop as you would with any data source. If you need to refresh your data, you can easily do so at any time. Data that resides right in your app is a gold mine when it comes to understanding your customers, but who has time to wait for nightly ETL workflows? With the MongoDB Connector for BI you can take control of your data and get to insights faster. See just how quickly you can discover something! Get access to our Power BI Rapid Start →

July 11, 2018