Gabriel Woo

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MongoDB.local is Coming to Hong Kong

MongoDB is hosting a series of events in cities all around the world that we're calling "MongoDB.local", and our Hong Kong event is approaching fast. Don’t forget to reserve a spot on your calendar for MongoDB.local Hong Kong on September 5, a one-day conference on all things MongoDB, including new product announcements, technical sessions, and opportunities to learn how customers are using MongoDB to reinvent their businesses. Hear from our guest speakers, including Cathay Pacific Airways , Manulife Asia , TVB and Omnichat , who will be sharing how they use MongoDB in various innovative ways to improve their operations and deliver enhanced customer experience. The MongoDB user community represents a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. We've tailored our sessions to cater to the diversity of our developer community. From data modeling and schema design to app-driven analytics and mobile data sync, our sessions will explore real-world scenarios and how to optimize MongoDB for performance, reliability, and scale. There's more than one way to get your questions answered at MongoDB.local. You can see live demos at the MongoDB booth and engage in networking throughout the day. In addition, attendees will be able to learn about the latest news on the product front. We've been hearing from customers who are facing a lot of challenges today, including increasing data privacy and security requirements, as well as the pain of modernizing their applications. So we'll be announcing some recent solutions for de-risking application migration and modernization along with some very exciting product announcements that are enabling customers to build next-generation applications. In the keynote, members of our executive leadership team — including MongoDB Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, Peder Ulander — will be announcing the latest features and updates for MongoDB, along with how they see developing modern applications shaping up over the next few years. We look forward to seeing you at MongoDB.local Hong Kong . So don't wait to register.

August 29, 2023

MongoDB.local Taipei 2023即將開跑 掌握技術、趨勢的最佳年度盛會

MongoDB是少數能在三大公有雲平臺上均可提供非關聯資料庫服務的業者,至今已在全球市場累積可觀的客戶數目與成功案例,而且越來越多客戶選擇在 MongoDB Atlas平臺上,部署各種關鍵工作負載,以維持在市場上的競爭力,為用戶提供更好的使用者體驗。 備受全球用戶關注的MongoDB.local ,每年都會在不同國家與城市舉辦,作為初學者與技術人員一個學習與交流的平臺。在臺灣用戶引頸期盼下,MongoDB將在2023年9月7日舉辦 MongoDB.local Taipei 2023 。活動涵蓋主題演講、技術論壇、MongoDB 產品演示、互動分享等四大主題,内容包含各行業的發展趨勢、客戶案例、MongoDB最新功能等。 在活動當天,MongoDB的客戶將會分享各自的實務案例。 趨勢科技 將分享運用 MongoDB Change Stream 建立事件驅動架構的歷程,內容包含架構簡介、補償機制設計、使用場景簡介,以及常見的最佳實踐等。 在虛擬交易所市場有亮眼成績的 WOO Network ,會分享專案團隊在開發中常見的困難點,以及如何運用MongoDB 達成確保專案品質、擴展性、維運和時程等目標。 永豐銀行 將分享從導入評估至最後成功上線新服務的歷程,進而達到提升數位通路體驗的目的。 致力運用行銷科技為企業規劃行銷策略的 AccuHit ,將分享透過MongoDB Atlas協助,在行銷大數據領域中實現安全性、效能和資料靈活度最佳化的秘訣,以滿足不斷變化的行銷需求。 Noodoe 則會分享運用 MongoDB Atlas Search、Graph Lookup、Change Stream 等創造出便利高效的充電服務架構,進而在商業環境上取得競爭優勢的方法。 MongoDB.local Taipei 2023 將有來自 MongoDB 的專家、社區技術大咖、各產業精英客戶和合作夥伴,共同學習最新技術和成功案例,探討業務和資料庫科技的未來,是絕對不容錯過的科技年度盛會。 立即註冊

August 29, 2023