MongoDB Schema Design: Data Modeling Best Practices
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Have you ever wondered, "How do I model a schema for my application?"
It's one of the most common questions devs have pertaining to MongoDB.
And the answer is, it depends. This is because document databases have
a rich vocabulary that is capable of expressing data relationships in
more nuanced ways than SQL. There are many things to consider when
picking a schema. Is your app read or write heavy? What data is
frequently accessed together? What are your performance considerations?
How will your data set grow and scale?
In this post, we will discuss the basics of data modeling using real
world examples. You will learn common methodologies and vocabulary you
can use when designing your database schema for your application.
Okay, first off, did you know that proper MongoDB schema design is the
most critical part of deploying a scalable, fast, and affordable
database? It's true, and schema design is often one of the most
overlooked facets of MongoDB administration. Why is MongoDB Schema
Design so important? Well, there are a couple of good reasons. In my
experience, most people coming to MongoDB tend to think of MongoDB
schema design as the same as legacy relational schema design, which
doesn't allow you to take full advantage of all that MongoDB databases
have to offer. First, let's look at how legacy relational database
design compares to MongoDB schema design.
When it comes to MongoDB database schema design, this is what most
developers think of when they are looking at designing a relational
schema and a MongoDB schema.

I have to admit that I understand the impulse to design your MongoDB
schema the same way you have always designed your SQL schema. It's
completely normal to want to split up your data into neat little tables
as you've always done before. I was guilty of doing this when I first
started learning how to use MongoDB. However, as we will soon see, you
lose out on many of the awesome features of MongoDB when you design your
schema like an SQL schema.
And this is how that makes me feel.

However, I think it's best to compare MongoDB schema design to
relational schema design since that's where many devs coming to MongoDB
are coming from. So, let's see how these two design patterns differ.
When designing a relational schema, typically, devs model their schema
independent of queries. They ask themselves, "What data do I have?"
Then, by using prescribed approaches, they will
(typically in 3rd normal
The tl;dr of normalization is to split up your data into tables, so you
don't duplicate data. Let's take a look at an example of how you would
model some user data in a relational database.

In this example, you can see that the user data is split into separate
tables and it can be JOINED together using foreign keys in the
column of the Professions and Cars table. Now, let's take a look at how
we might model this same data in MongoDB.Now, MongoDB schema design works a lot differently than relational
schema design. With MongoDB schema design, there is:
- No formal process
- No algorithms
- No rules

When you are designing your MongoDB schema design, the only thing that matters is that you design a schema that will work well for your application. Two different apps that use the same exact data might have very different schemas if the applications are used differently. When designing a schema, we want to take into consideration the following:
- Store the data
- Provide good query performance
- Require reasonable amount of hardware
Let's take a look at how we might model the relational User model in
1 { 2 "first_name": "Paul", 3 "surname": "Miller", 4 "cell": "447557505611", 5 "city": "London", 6 "location": [45.123, 47.232], 7 "profession": ["banking", "finance", "trader"], 8 "cars": [ 9 { 10 "model": "Bentley", 11 "year": 1973 12 }, 13 { 14 "model": "Rolls Royce", 15 "year": 1965 16 } 17 ] 18 }
You can see that instead of splitting our data up into separate
collections or documents, we take advantage of MongoDB's document based
design to embed data into arrays and objects within the User object. Now
we can make one simple query to pull all that data together for our
MongoDB schema design actually comes down to only two choices for every
piece of data. You can either embed that data directly or reference
another piece of data using the
operator (similar to a JOIN). Let's look at the pros and cons of using
each option in your schema.
- You can retrieve all relevant information in a single query.
- Update related information as a single atomic operation. By default, all CRUD operations on a single document are ACID compliant.
- However, if you need a transaction across multiple operations, you can use the transaction operator.
- Though transactions are available starting 4.0, however, I should add that it's an anti-pattern to be overly reliant on using them in your application.
- Large documents mean more overhead if most fields are not relevant. You can increase query performance by limiting the size of the documents that you are sending over the wire for each query.
- There is a 16-MB document size limit in MongoDB. If you are embedding too much data inside a single document, you could potentially hit this limit.
Okay, so the other option for designing our schema is referencing
another document using a document's unique object
ID and
connecting them together using the
operator. Referencing works similarly as the JOIN operator in an SQL
query. It allows us to split up data to make more efficient and scalable
queries, yet maintain relationships between data.
- By splitting up data, you will have smaller documents.
- Infrequently accessed information not needed on every query.
- Reduce the amount of duplication of data. However, it's important to note that data duplication should not be avoided if it results in a better schema.
- In order to retrieve all the data in the referenced documents, a minimum of two queries or $lookup required to retrieve all the information.
Okay, so now that we have explored the two ways we are able to split up
data when designing our schemas in MongoDB, let's look at common
relationships that you're probably familiar with modeling if you come
from an SQL background. We will start with the more simple relationships
and work our way up to some interesting patterns and relationships and
how we model them with real-world examples. Note, we are only going to
scratch the surface of modeling relationships in MongoDB here.
It's also important to note that even if your application has the same
exact data as the examples listed below, you might have a completely
different schema than the one I outlined here. This is because the most
important consideration you make for your schema is how your data is
going to be used by your system. In each example, I will outline the
requirements for each application and why a given schema was used for
that example. If you want to discuss the specifics of your schema, be
sure to open a conversation on the MongoDB
Community Forum, and
we all can discuss what will work best for your unique application.
Let's take a look at our User document. This example has some great
one-to-one data in it. For example, in our system, one user can only
have one name. So, this would be an example of a one-to-one
relationship. We can model all one-to-one data as key-value pairs in our
1 { 2 "_id": "ObjectId('AAA')", 3 "name": "Joe Karlsson", 4 "company": "MongoDB", 5 "twitter": "@JoeKarlsson1", 6 "twitch": "joe_karlsson", 7 "tiktok": "joekarlsson", 8 "website": "" 9 }
DJ Khalid would approve.

One to One tl;dr:
- Prefer key-value pair embedded in the document.
- For example, an employee can work in one and only one department.
Okay, now let's say that we are dealing a small sequence of data that's
associated with our users. For example, we might need to store several
addresses associated with a given user. It's unlikely that a user for
our application would have more than a couple of different addresses.
For relationships like this, we would define this as a one-to-few
1 { 2 "_id": "ObjectId('AAA')", 3 "name": "Joe Karlsson", 4 "company": "MongoDB", 5 "twitter": "@JoeKarlsson1", 6 "twitch": "joe_karlsson", 7 "tiktok": "joekarlsson", 8 "website": "", 9 "addresses": [ 10 { "street": "123 Sesame St", "city": "Anytown", "cc": "USA" }, 11 { "street": "123 Avenue Q", "city": "New York", "cc": "USA" } 12 ] 13 }
Remember when I told you there are no rules to MongoDB schema design?
Well, I lied. I've made up a couple of handy rules to help you design
your schema for your application.
Rule 1: Favor embedding unless there is a compelling reason not to.
Generally speaking, my default action is to embed data within a
document. I pull it out and reference it only if I need to access it on
its own, it's too big, I rarely need it, or any other reason.
One-to-few tl;dr:
- Prefer embedding for one-to-few relationships.
Alright, let's say that you are building a product page for an
e-commerce website, and you are going to have to design a schema that
will be able to show product information. In our system, we save
information about all the many parts that make up each product for
repair services. How would you design a schema to save all this data,
but still make your product page performant? You might want to consider
a one-to-many schema since your one product is made up of many parts.

Now, with a schema that could potentially be saving thousands of sub
parts, we probably do not need to have all of the data for the parts on
every single request, but it's still important that this relationship is
maintained in our schema. So, we might have a Products collection with
data about each product in our e-commerce store, and in order to keep
that part data linked, we can keep an array of Object IDs that link to a
document that has information about the part. These parts can be saved
in the same collection or in a separate collection, if needed. Let's
take a look at how this would look.
1 { 2 "name": "left-handed smoke shifter", 3 "manufacturer": "Acme Corp", 4 "catalog_number": "1234", 5 "parts": ["ObjectID('AAAA')", "ObjectID('BBBB')", "ObjectID('CCCC')"] 6 }
1 { 2 "_id" : "ObjectID('AAAA')", 3 "partno" : "123-aff-456", 4 "name" : "#4 grommet", 5 "qty": "94", 6 "cost": "0.94", 7 "price":" 3.99" 8 }
Rule 2: Needing to access an object on its own is a compelling
reason not to embed it.
Rule 3: Avoid joins/lookups if possible, but don't be afraid if they
can provide a better schema design.
What if we have a schema where there could be potentially millions of
subdocuments, or more? That's when we get to the one-to-squillions
schema. And, I know what you're thinking: _Is squillions a real word?_
And the answer is yes, it is a real
Let's imagine that you have been asked to create a server logging
application. Each server could potentially save a massive amount of
data, depending on how verbose you're logging and how long you store
server logs for.

With MongoDB, tracking data within an unbounded array is dangerous,
since we could potentially hit that 16-MB-per-document limit. Any given
host could generate enough messages to overflow the 16-MB document size,
even if only ObjectIDs are stored in an array. So, we need to rethink
how we can track this relationship without coming up against any hard
So, instead of tracking the relationship between the host and the log
message in the host document, let's let each log message store the host
that its message is associated with. By storing the data in the log, we
no longer need to worry about an unbounded array messing with our
application! Let's take a look at how this might work.
1 { 2 "_id": ObjectID("AAAB"), 3 "name": "", 4 "ipaddr": "" 5 }
Log Message:
1 { 2 "time": ISODate("2014-03-28T09:42:41.382Z"), 3 "message": "cpu is on fire!", 4 "host": ObjectID("AAAB") 5 }
Rule 4: Arrays should not grow without bound. If there are more than
a couple of hundred documents on the "many" side, don't embed them; if
there are more than a few thousand documents on the "many" side, don't
use an array of ObjectID references. High-cardinality arrays are a
compelling reason not to embed.
The last schema design pattern we are going to be covering in this post
is the many-to-many relationship. This is another very common schema
pattern that we see all the time in relational and MongoDB schema
designs. For this pattern, let's imagine that we are building a to-do
application. In our app, a user may have many tasks and a task may
have many users assigned to it.

In order to preserve these relationships between users and tasks, there
will need to be references from the one user to the many tasks and
references from the one task to the many users. Let's look at how
this could work for a to-do list application.
1 { 2 "_id": ObjectID("AAF1"), 3 "name": "Kate Monster", 4 "tasks": [ObjectID("ADF9"), ObjectID("AE02"), ObjectID("AE73")] 5 }
1 { 2 "_id": ObjectID("ADF9"), 3 "description": "Write blog post about MongoDB schema design", 4 "due_date": ISODate("2014-04-01"), 5 "owners": [ObjectID("AAF1"), ObjectID("BB3G")] 6 }
From this example, you can see that each user has a sub-array of linked
tasks, and each task has a sub-array of owners for each item in our
to-do app.
As you can see, there are a ton of different ways to express your schema
design, by going beyond normalizing your data like you might be used to
doing in SQL. By taking advantage of embedding data within a document or
referencing documents using the $lookup operator, you can make some
truly powerful, scalable, and efficient database queries that are
completely unique to your application. In fact, we are only barely able
to scratch the surface of all the ways that you could model your data in
MongoDB. If you want to learn more about MongoDB schema design, be sure
to check out our continued series on schema design in MongoDB:
I want to wrap up this post with the most important rule to MongoDB
schema design yet.
Rule 5: As always, with MongoDB, how you model your data depends –
entirely – on your particular application's data access patterns. You
want to structure your data to match the ways that your application
queries and updates it.
Remember, every application has unique needs and requirements, so the
schema design should reflect the needs of that particular application.
Take the examples listed in this post as a starting point for your
application. Reflect on what you need to do, and how you can use your
schema to help you get there.
- One-to-One - Prefer key value pairs within the document
- One-to-Few - Prefer embedding
- One-to-Many - Prefer embedding
- One-to-Squillions - Prefer Referencing
- Many-to-Many - Prefer Referencing
General Rules for MongoDB Schema Design:
- Rule 1: Favor embedding unless there is a compelling reason not to.
- Rule 2: Needing to access an object on its own is a compelling reason not to embed it.
- Rule 3: Avoid joins and lookups if possible, but don't be afraid if they can provide a better schema design.
- Rule 4: Arrays should not grow without bound. If there are more than a couple of hundred documents on the many side, don't embed them; if there are more than a few thousand documents on the many side, don't use an array of ObjectID references. High-cardinality arrays are a compelling reason not to embed.
- Rule 5: As always, with MongoDB, how you model your data depends entirely on your particular application's data access patterns. You want to structure your data to match the ways that your application queries and updates it.
We have only scratched the surface of design patterns in MongoDB. In
fact, we haven't even begun to start exploring patterns that aren't even
remotely possible to perform in a legacy relational model. If you want
to learn more about these patterns, check out the resources below.
- Now that you know how to design a scalable and performant MongoDB schema, check out our MongoDB schema design anti-pattern series to learn what NOT to do when building out your MongoDB database schema:
- Video more your thing? Check out our video series on YouTube to learn more about MongoDB schema anti-patterns: